Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Governor Dan McKee ,
Executive Orders

Governor's Archive of Executive Orders

Executive Orders (2015 - Present)
Date Sort ascending Executive Order Executive Order Long Title

EXECUTIVE ORDER 24-11 Rhode Island Olmstead Planning

Executive Order 24-10 Waiver of State Beach Parking Fees and Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement on Governor’s Bay Day

Executive Order 24-09 Extension of Executive Order 23-11

Executive Order 24-08 Extension of Executive Order 23-11

Executive Order 24-07 Extension of Executive Order 23-11

Executive Order 24-06 Artificial Intelligence and Data Centers of Excellence

Executive Order 24-05 Extension Of Executive Order 23-11

Executive Order 24-04 (A) Amending the Membership of the Health Care System Planning Cabinet

Executive Order 24-04 Establishing the Health Care System Planning Cabinet

Executive Order 24-03 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 24-02 Extension of Executive Order 23-11

Executive Order 24-01 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 23-11 Declaration of Nursing Home Emergency

Executive Order 23-10 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 23-09 Waiver of State Beach User Fees and Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement on Governor’s Bay Day

Executive Order 23-08 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 23-07 Rhode Island Resilience 2023

Executive Order 23-06 State Agencies To Lead By Example And Act On Climate

Executive Order 23-05 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 23-04 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 23-03 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 23-02 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 23-01 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-37 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-36 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-35 Expansion of the Governor's Overdose Task Force

Executive Order 22-34 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-33 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-32 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-31 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-30 Waiver of State Beach User Fees and Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement on Governor’s Bay Day

Executive Order 22-29 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-28 Reproductive Rights for Rhode Islanders and Those Providing and Obtaining Reproductive Health Care Services in Rhode Island

Executive Order 22-27 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-26 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-25 Establishing Executive Working Group for Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Reducing Domestic Violence By Improving Justice System Performance In Rhode Island

Executive Order 22-24 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-23 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-22 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89, 21-90, 21-96, 22-08, 22-18 and 22-20

Executive Order 22-21 Extension of Executive Order 21-109

Executive Order 22-20 Allowing Remote Participation in Public Meetings

Executive Order 22-19 Extension of Executive Orders 20-02 and 21-87

Executive Order 22-18 Amended Order Preserving the Availability of Resident Care in State Nursing Facilities

Executive Order 22-17 Extension of Executive Order 22-01

Executive Order 22-16 Preserving the Availability of Resident Care In State Nursing Facilities

Executive Order 22-15 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89, 21-90, 21-96, 22-06 and 22-08

Executive Order 22-14 Extension of COVID-19 Immunization Emergency Regulation for Health Care Workers and Providers

Executive Order 22-13 Extension of Executive Orders 21-116 and 21-120

Executive Order 22-12 Extension of Executive Orders 21-87, 21-109, 22-01 and 22-06

Executive Order 22-11 Extension of Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 22-10 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 22-09 Extension of Executive Order 21-96

Executive Order 22-08 Adjusting Work Requirements for Registered Nurse Graduates

Executive Order 22-07 Preserving the Availability of Resident Care in State Nursing Facilities

Executive Order 22-06 Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 22-05 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 22-04 Extension of Executive Orders 21-116 and 21-120

Executive Order 22-03 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89 and 21-90

Executive Order 22-02 Extension of Executive Orders 21-87 and 21-109

Executive Order 22-01 Allowing Remote Participation in Public Meetings

Executive Order 21-121 Extension of Executive Order 21-96

Executive Order 21-120 Increasing Hospital Capacity and Flexibility for Patient Care

Executive Order 21-119 Extension of Executive Orders 20-02 and 21-105

Executive Order 21-118 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89 and 21-90

Executive Order 21-117 Adjusting Taxable Wage Base for Employment Security Contributions

Executive Order 21-116 Protecting Public Health by Wearing Masks or Face Coverings or Obtaining Proof of Vaccination in Indoor Public Places

Executive Order 21-115 Extension of Executive Orders 21-87 and 21-109

Executive Order 21-114 Extension of Executive Order 21-96

Executive Order 21-113 Increasing Access to Unemployment Insurance

Executive Order 21-112 Extension of Executive Orders 20-02 and 21-105

Executive Order 21-111 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89 and 21-90

Executive Order 21-110 Extension of Executive Orders 21-87 and 21-102

Executive Order 21-109 Declaration of Disaster Emergency for New Covid-19 Variants

Executive Order 21-108 Extension of Executive Order 21-96

Executive Order 21-107 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 21-106 Increasing Access to Unemployment Insurance

Executive Order 21-105 Amended Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-104 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89, 21-90 and 21-91

Executive Order 21-103 Extension of Executive Orders 21-86 and 21-87

Executive Order 21-102 Adjusting Computation Date for Employment Security Contribution Schedule

Executive Order 21-101 Extension of Executive Order 21-96

Executive Order 21-99 Extension of Executive Orders 20-02 and 21-92

Executive Order 21-100 Amended Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-98 Extension of Executive Orders 21-89, 21-90 and 21-91

Executive Order 21-97 Extension of Executive Orders 21-86 and 21-87

Executive Order 21-96 Increasing Teaching and Administrative Staff Capacity

Executive Order 21-95 Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 21-94 Amended Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-93 Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-92 Increasing Access to Unemployment Insurance

Executive Order 21-91 Hospital and Community-Based Health Care

Executive Order 21-90 Student Transportation Order

Executive Order 21-89 Increasing State Response Capacity for Covid-19 Variants

Executive Order 21-88 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 21-87 Requiring Masks in Schools

Executive Order 21-86 Declaration of Disaster Emergency for New Covid-19 Variants

Executive Order 21-85 One Hundred and Eighty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-19 and 20-72

Executive Order 21-84 One Hundred and Eighty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-26

Executive Order 21-83 One Hundred and Eighty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 21-82 One Hundred and Eighty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-37

Executive Order 21-81 One Hundred and Eighty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-67

Executive Order 21-80 Waiver of State Beach User Fees and Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement on Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 21-79 One Hundred and Eighty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-19 and 20-72

Executive Order 21-78 One Hundred and Eighty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-26

Executive Order 21-77 One Hundred and Eightieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-02

Executive Order 21-76 One Hundred and Seventy-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Terminating Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-39, 21-68, 21-69 and 21-75

Executive Order 21-75 One Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - First Amendment To Executive Order 21-68

Executive Order 21-74 One Hundred and Seventy-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-37

Executive Order 21-73 One Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-67

Executive Order 21-72 One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Public Meetings and Public Records Requests

Executive Order 21-71 One Hundred and Seventy-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Increasing Teaching and Administrative Staff Capacity

Executive Order 21-70 One Hundred and Seventy-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19 and 20-72

Executive Order 21-69 One Hundred and Seventy-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Requiring Masks or Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 21-68 One Hundred and Seventy-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Reopening Order

Executive Order 21-67 One Hundred and Seventieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Hospital and Community-Based Health Care

Executive Order 21-66 One Hundred and Sixty-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-26

Executive Order 21-65 One Hundred and Sixty-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-02 and 20-39

Executive Order 21-64 One Hundred and Sixty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-37

Executive Order 21-63 One Hundred and Sixty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Requiring Masks or Cloth Face Coverings In Public

Executive Order 21-62 One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - First Amendment to Executive Order 21-57

Executive Order 21-61 One Hundred and Sixty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of and First Amendment to Executive Order 20-70

Executive Order 21-60 One Hundred and Sixty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - First Amendment to Executive Order 20-46

Executive Order 21-59 One Hundred and Sixty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46 and 21-02

Executive Order 21-58 One Hundred and Sixty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Requiring Masks or Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 21-57 One Hundred and Sixtieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Reopening Order

Executive Order 21-56 One Hundred and Fifty-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 21-55 One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-54 One Hundred and Fifty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Continuing to Require Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 21-53 One Hundred and Fifty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Second Amendment to Executive Order 21-46

Executive Order 21-52 One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 21-26

Executive Order 21-51 One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Modifying Processes for June 8, 2021, Local Elections

Executive Order 21-50 One Hundred and Fifty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - In-Person Learning at Institutes of Higher Education

Executive Order 21-49 One Hundred-and-Fifty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29 and 20-39

Executive Order 21-48 One Hundred-and-Fifty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - First Amendment to Executive Order 21-46

Executive Order 21-47 One Hundred-and-Fiftieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Continuing to Require Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 21-46 One Hundred-and-Forty-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-45 One Hundred-and-Forty-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-37 and 21-04

Executive Order 21-44 One Hundred-and-Forty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-32

Executive Order 21-43 One Hundred-and-Forty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-70

Executive Order 21-42 One Hundred-and-Forty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - First Amendment to Executive Order 20-94

Executive Order 21-41 One Hundred-and-Forty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Fifth Amendment to Executive Order 21-27

Executive Order 21-40 One Hundred-and-Forty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46 and 21-02

Executive Order 21-39 One Hundred-and-Forty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Fourth Amendment to Executive Order 21-27

Executive Order 21-38 One Hundred-and-Forty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Order 20-70

Executive Order 21-37 One Hundred-and-Fortieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19, 20-72, 20-94 and 20-110

Executive Order 21-36 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 21-26, 21-27, 21-29, 21-31 and 21-34

Executive Order 21-35 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29 and 20-39

Executive Order 21-34 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Seven Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Third Amendment to Executive Order 21-27

Executive Order 21-33 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-37, 20-107 and 21-04

Executive Order 21-32 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Modifying Processes for May 4, 2021, Local Elections

Executive Order 21-31 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Further Amendment To Executive Order 21-27

Executive Order 21-30 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46 and 21-02

Executive Order 21-29 One Hundred-and-Thirty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amendments to Executive Order 21-27

Executive Order 21-28 One Hundred-and-Thirty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19, 20-70, 20-72, 20-94 and 20-110

Executive Order 21-27 One Hundred-and-Thirtieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-26 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-25 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29 and 20-39

Executive Order 21-24 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amendments to Executive Order 21-22

Executive Order 21-23 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-37, 20-107 and 21-04

Executive Order 21-22 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-21 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46, 20-62 and 21-02

Executive Order 21-20 Expanding Rhode Island's Vaccination Efforts

Executive Order 21-19 Ethics and Integrity In Government

Executive Order 21-18 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-17 One Hundred-and-Twenty-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amended and Restated Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 21-16 One Hundred-and-Twenty-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19, 20-70, 20-72, 20-94 and 20-110

Executive Order 21-15 Management and Oversight of the FY2022 State Budget

Executive Order 21-14 One Hundred-and-Twentieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29, and 20-39

Executive Order 21-13 One Hundred-and-Nineteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Amendments to Executive Order 21-11

Executive Order 21-12 One Hundred-and-Eighteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Extension of Executive Orders 20-37, 20-107 and 21-04

Executive Order 21-11 One Hundred-and-Seventeenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Further Revised Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-10 One Hundred-and-Sixteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46, 20-62, and 21-02

Executive Order 21-09 One Hundred-and-Fifteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Revised Protecting Your Household Order

Executive Order 21-08 One Hundred-and-Fourteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20- 06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19, 20-70, 20-72, 20-94, 20-104 and 20-110

Executive Order 21-07 One Hundred-and-Thirteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Revised Sports Competitions and Practice Restrictions (Amendment to Executive Order 20-108)

Executive Order 21-06 One Hundred-and-Twelfth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29 and 20-39

Executive Order 21-05 One Hundred-and-Eleventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order 20-108

Executive Order 21-04 One Hundred-and-Tenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – In-Person Learning at Institutes of Higher Education

Executive Order 21-03 One Hundred-and-Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-37 and 20-107

Executive Order 21-02 One Hundred-and-Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Amended Student Transportation Order

Executive Order 21-01 One-Hundred-and-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-44, 20-46, 20-62 and 20-96

Executive Order 20-111 One-Hundred-and-Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-06, 20-16, 20-17, 20-19, 20-70, 20-72, 20-94 and 20-104

Executive Order 20-110 One-Hundred-and-Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing Teaching and Administrative Staff Capacity

Executive Order 20-109 One Hundred-and-Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders 20-02, 20-29, 20-39 and 20-68

Executive Order 20-108 One Hundred-and-Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Protecting Your Household

Executive Order 20-107 Hundred-and-Second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Suspending Qualified Jobs Incentive Tax Credit Certification Period

Executive Order 20-106 Hundred-and-First Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order 20-37

Executive Order 20-105 One-hundredth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Rhode Island on Pause (One-week Extension)

Executive Order 20-104 Ninety-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Amended Quarantine and Isolation Order

Executive Order 20-103 Ninety-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-102 Ninety-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-101 Ninety-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-100 Ninety-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Rhode Island on Pause

Executive Order 20-99 Ninety-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-98 Ninety-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Second Revised Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-97 Ninety-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-96 Ninety-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Student Transportation

Executive Order 20-95 Ninetieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Revised Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-94 Eighty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Continuing to Require Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 20-93 Eighty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-92 Eighty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-91 Eighty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-90 Eighty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Amended and Restated Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-89 Eighty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-88 Eighty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-87 Eighty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-86 Eighty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-85 Eightieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Student Transportation

Executive Order 20-84 Seventy-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-83 Seventy-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-82 Seventy-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Modifying Processes for the Predominantly Mail Ballot General Election

Executive Order 20-81 Seventy-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-80 Seventy-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-79 Seventy-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-78 Seventy-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-77 Seventy-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-76 Seventy-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Student Transportation

Executive Order 20-75 Seventieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-74 Sixty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Modifying Processes for the Primary and General Predominantly Mail Ballot Elections

Executive Order 20-73 Sixty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-72 Sixty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – COVID-19 Emergency Regulations

Executive Order 20-71 Sixty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Quarantine Order

Executive Order 20-70 Sixty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Hospital and Community-Based Health Care

Executive Order 20-69 Sixty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-68 Sixty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Setting the Minimum Weekly Base Rate for Unemployment Insurance

Executive Order 20-67 Sixty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-66 Sixty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-65 Sixtieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-64 Fifty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-63 Fifty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-62 Fifty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – School Bus Driver Recertification

Executive Order 20-61 Fifty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Early Closure of Bars

Executive Order 20-60 Fifty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Continuing to Require Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 20-59 Fifty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-58 Fifty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-57 Fifty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-56 Fifty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Adjustment to Wavemaker Fellowship Program

Executive Order 20-55 Fiftieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-54 Forty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-53 Forty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-52 Forty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-51 Forty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Support For Young Adults Aging Out Of State Care

Executive Order 20-50 Forty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Phase III Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-49 Forty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-48 Rise Together – First Steps To A More Equitable And Resilient Rhode Island

Executive Order 20-47 Forty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-46 Forty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Meetings and Public Records Requests

Executive Order 20-45 Forty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-44 Fortieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Uniform Statewide School Calendar

Executive Order 20-43 Re-Orienting Healthcare and Long-Term Health Planning

Executive Order 20-42 Thirty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-41 Thirty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Continuing to Require Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 20-40 Thirty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Phase II Re-Opening

Executive Order 20-39 Thirty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Authorizing Adjustments to Child Care Subsidies and Reimbursement Rates

Executive Order 20-38 Thirty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Order

Executive Order 20-37 Thirty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing State COVID-19 Response Capacity

Executive Order 20-36 Thirty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-35 Thirty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Summer Camp Operations

Executive Order 20-34 Thirty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-33 Thirtieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Hospital and Community-Based Health Care

Executive Order 20-32 Twenty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Lifting Stay at Home Order, Leaving Certain Restrictions in Place, Limited Re-Openings with Stringent Health Regulations

Executive Order 20-31 Twenty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-30 Twenty-seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Requiring Cloth Face Coverings in Public

Executive Order 20-29 Twenty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Promoting Better Coordination of Health Care Coverage

Executive Order 20-28 Twenty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-27 wenty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Preparations for a Predominantly Mail Ballot Election

Executive Order 20-26 Twenty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Support for Young Adults Aging Out of State Care

Executive Order 20-25 Twenty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Meetings and Public Records Requests

Executive Order 20-24 Twenty-first Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Requiring Cloth Face Masks at Work

Executive Order 20-23 Twentieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-22 Nineteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Shareholder Meetings

Executive Order 20-21 Eighteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing Hospital and Nursing Facility Capacity, Extending Statutory Immunity

Executive Order 20-20 Seventeenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Quarantine Order

Executive Order 20-19 Sixteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing Access to Unemployment Insurance

Executive Order 20-18 Fifteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 20-17 Fourteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Testing, Critical Supplies and Hospital Capacity Reporting

Executive Order 20-16 Thirteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Authorizing Waiver and Medicaid State Plan Amendments and Adjustments to Essential Provider Rates

Executive Order 20-14 Amended Eleventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Staying At Home, Reducing Gatherings, Certain Retail Business Closures and Further Quarantine Provisions

Executive Order 20-13 Eleventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Staying At Home, Reducing Gatherings, Certain Retail Business Closures and Further Quarantine Provisions

Executive Order 20-12 Tenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers from New York State

Executive Order 20-11 Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Delaying the Primary Elections and Preparing for a Predominantly Mail Ballot Election

Executive Order 20-10 Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Quarantine Restrictions on Domestic Air Travelers

Executive Order 20-09 Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Gatherings, Close-Contact Businesses, Public Recreation and Business Service Providers

Executive Order 20-15 Twelfth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders on the Operation of Food Establishments and Close Contact Businesses

Executive Order 20-08 Sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Economic Support for Restaurants, Bars and Establishments that Offer Food

Executive Order 20-07 Fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Time for Weapon and Firearm Background Checks

Executive Order 20-06 Fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration - Expanding Access to Telemedicine Services

Executive Order 20-05 Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Meetings and Public Records Requests

Executive Order 20-04 Second Supplemental Declaration – Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment Venues, and Public Gatherings

Executive Order 20-03 Supplemental Emergency Declaration

Executive Order 20-02 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 20-01 Advancing a 100% Renewable Energy Future for Rhode Island by 2030

Executive Order 19-09 Protecting Rhode Island Youth Against the Harms of Vaping

Executive Order 19-08 Establishing the Juvenile & Criminal Justice Working Group

Executive Order 19-07 Waiver Of State Beach User Fees And Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement On Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 19-06 Heating Sector Transformation to Ensure Reliability and Protect Against Climate Change

Executive Order 19-05 Extension of Task Force to Tackle Plastics

Executive Order 19-04 Establishing a Commission on Government Efficiency

Executive Order 19-03 Establishing a Target for Health Care Spending Growth in Rhode Island

Executive Order 19-02 Termination of Disaster Emergency with Respect to the Interruption of Natural Gas Service in Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth

Executive Order 19-01 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 18-09 Creating the Rhode Island Complete Count Committee

Executive Order 18-08 Maintaining Low Premiums and Protecting the Affordable Care Act in Rhode Island

Executive Order 18-07 Extension of Working Group on Diversity in Construction

Executive Order 18-06 Tackling Plastics

Executive Order 18-05 Waiver of State Beach User Fees and Recreational Saltwater Fishing License Requirement on Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 18-04 Sunsetting the Governor's Justice Reinvestment Working Group and Establishing the Governor's Justice Reinvestment Executive Oversight Council

Executive Order 18-03 Reaffirming and Expanding Rhode Island's Commitment to Persons with Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders ­ Addressing Parity and Access to Timely and Needed Care

Executive Order 18-02 Internet Neutrality and State Procurement

Executive Order 18-01 Rhode Island Red Flag Executive Order

Executive Order 17-10 Action Plan to Stand Up to Climate Change

Executive Order 17-09 Establishing the Rhode Island Schools Task Force to Improve the State Of Rhode Island's K-12 School Facilities

Executive Order 17-08 Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 17-07 Taking Further Actions to Address the Opioid Crisis

Executive Order 17-06 Reaffirming Rhode Island’s Commitment to the Principles of the Paris Climate Agreement

Executive Order 17-05 Establishing the Governor’s Homeland Security Advisory Board

Executive Order 17-04 Establishing the Rhode Island World War I Centennial Commission

Executive Order 17-03 Establishing the Governor's Advisory Council on Manufacturing

Executive Order 17-02 Promotion Of Diversity Equity And Opportunity

Executive Order 17-01 Working Group On Diversity In Construction

Executive Order 16-02 Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 16-01 Establishing an Outdoor Recreation Council

Executive Order 15-17 State Agencies to Lead by Example in Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy

Executive Order 15-16 Establishing the Working Group to Review the Permanent Education Foundation Aid Formula

Executive Order 15-15 Amending Executive Order 07-05 Emergency Planning

Executive Order 15-14 Establishing the Overdose Task Force

Executive Order 15-12 Governor's Bay Day

Executive Order 15-13 Establishing the Working Group for Healthcare Innovation

Executive Order 15-11 Establishing the Justice Reinvestment Working Group

Executive Order 15-10 Cybersecurity Commission

Executive Order 15-09 Lean Government Initiative

Executive Order 15-08 Establishing the Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid

Executive Order 15-07 Improving Rhode Island's Regulatory Climate to Create Opportunity

Executive Order 15-06 Strengthening Municipalities for Future Growth and Success

Executive Order 15-05 Repeal of Executive Order 15-03

Executive Order 15-04 Extension of Closure of State Government

Executive Order 15-03 Declaration of Restrictions on Motor Vehicle Travel

Executive Order 15-02 Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Executive Order 15-01 Ethics and Integrity in Government