Extended RI Bridges Call Center Hours Please call 833-918-6603 Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday – Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.Call center staff will be able to provide general information about the breach as well as steps customers can take now to protect their data. Unfortunately, as the analysis of the data involved is still happening, call center staff will not be able to confirm whether a particular individual’s data is or is not included in the breach at this time.
Executive Order 20-71 Sixty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Quarantine Order September 2, 2020 WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, I declared a state of emergency due to the dangers to health and life posed by COVID-19 and that declaration is in effect until at least October 3, 2020; WHEREAS, Rhode Island has reduced the rate of spread of COVID-19 through physical distancing and other State orders effectively dampening overwhelming effects on the State's healthcare system; WHEREAS, despite progress in some key areas, the State continues to suffer from the effects of the pandemic; WHEREAS, the State continues to impose quarantine restrictions on all persons arriving in the State from outside the 50 states or the District of Columbia and from locations with a high community spread rate as defined by the Rhode Island Department of Health ("RIDOH") for non-work-related purposes; WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") has stated that COVID-19 symptoms may appear as many as fourteen (14) days after exposure; WHEREAS, the Director of the CDC has confirmed that a significant number of individuals infected with COVID-19 do not show symptoms; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 is contagious and persons who are asymptomatic can spread the virus. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GINA M. RAIMONDO, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Rhode Island, pursuant to Article IX of the Rhode Island Constitution and the Rhode Island General Laws, including, but not limited to, Title 30, Chapter 15, and Title 23, Chapter 8, do hereby order and direct the following: Any person who has been clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 by a licensed health care practitioner by assessment of symptoms or by laboratory testing must immediately self-isolate1 in accordance with CDC guidance: https://health.ri.gov/publications/guidance/COVID-19-Quarantine-and-Isolation-Guidance-bv-Population.pdf Any person who has been in known close contact (within 6 feet) with a person who has been clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 by a licensed health care practitioner by assessment of symptoms or by laboratory testing and who has been contacted by the RIDOH to inform them that they were a close contact with a confirmed positive case must immediately self-quarantine2 for 14 days following that contact. RIDOH shall work directly with any congregate care settings to adopt alternative infection control measures, as needed. This quarantine restriction shall not apply to public health, public safety, social service providers, and healthcare workers provided they follow RIDOH guidance for Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers Quarantined for Exposure to COVID-19: https://health.ri.govfpublications/guidance/QuarantineGuidanceforCriticallnfrastructureWorkers.pdf Instructions for self-isolation and self-quarantine and a description of COVID19 symptoms can be found at the RIDOH website: https://health.ri.gov/diseases/ncov2019/ I hereby authorize and direct the Director of RIDOH to take any action and make and enforce any rules and regulations necessary to implement this Executive Order. The Director of RIDOH is further authorized to assess civil penalties, and enact rules and regulations in furtherance of such penalties, for violation of this Executive Order. Such civil penalties shall be in addition to any other penalties authorized by law. This Order supersedes Executive Order 20-20. It shall take effect on September 3, 2020 and shall remain in full force and effect until October 3, 2020 unless renewed, modified or terminated by subsequent Executive Order. So Ordered, Gina M. Raimondo Governor Executive Order 20-71 PDF file