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State of Rhode Island, Governor Dan McKee ,

Governor McKee Announces Awards to Six Organizations to Combat Homelessness in Rhode Island

Published on Thursday, May 26, 2022

Funding from the McKee Administration’s Rhode Island Rebounds Initiative Will Address the Needs of the Rhode Islanders Experiencing Homelessness or at Risk of Homelessness

PROVIDENCE, RI – Today, Governor Dan McKee announced six awards totaling close to $1.5 million to the dedicated service providers addressing the homelessness crisis in Rhode Island. These grants are part of the Governor’s Rhode Island Rebounds initiative and funded through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars and the state’s Consolidated Homeless Fund. These are the first round of projects awarded through the Consolidated Homeless Fund, which dedicated a record amount of up to $17 million to address homelessness and housing insecurity.

“Addressing the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness and identifying affordable, permanent housing solutions for Rhode Island’s most vulnerable citizens has been a top priority of my administration from day one,” said Governor Dan McKee. “I commend today’s grant recipients for addressing the complex needs of this population through thoughtful yet practical strategies.”

Today’s announcement continues the McKee Administration’s ongoing commitment to address homelessness and create permanent, affordable housing opportunities for Rhode Islanders experience housing insecurity. Earlier this month the Governor announced the 2022 Landlord Incentive program that will provide financial incentives to landlords who rent a habitable dwelling to an individual or family that has been challenged in finding a safe, clean, and affordable home.

“Earlier this year, this administration released a historic amount of funding to serve populations that are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness”, said Deputy Secretary of Housing Josh Saal. “Our providers responded in a big way. This administration is committed to working with providers to make sure homelessness is rare and brief. Through these selected projects and initiatives such as the Landlord Challenge, we continue to work towards helping all Rhode Islanders find a secure and affordable place to call home.”

List of Organizations to Receive Funding

RI Coalition to End Homelessness (RICH) – will receive $180,233 to organize and implement a comprehensive training program for RI’s continuum of care and for organizations serving the homeless. Training will focus on Housing First and best practices in delivering services to the homeless.

Community Care Alliance (CCA) – will receive $441,143 to transition create a shelter with a focus on providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ persons experiencing homelessness. Case managers will work one on one with clients to complete a comprehensive assessment that will help connect to all the resources that they need.

Blackstone Valley Advocacy Project (BVAC) – will receive $496,103 to use three residential suites for expanded shelter capacity (14 new shelter units). The program is designed to provide safety for families while providing comprehensive case management services to help families secure and maintain permanent housing.

Sojourner House – will receive $78,271 for the RISE (Respect, Inclusion, Safety, and Empowerment) shelter for victims of abuse who are LGBTQ+ or identify as male, and are fleeing an abusive relationship or situation.

Community Action Partnership of Providence (CAPP) – will receive $159,731 to prevent homelessness by expanding their financial literacy/resiliency training to clients identified through the Consolidated Homeless Fund Partnership. The financial literacy program will focus on household income and expenses to ensure participants are financially stable to enable them to remain in their homes.

Amos House – will receive $144,066 for Amos House’s Diversion and Mitigation fund to ensure that clients have the resources they need to prevent or exit homelessness. Actions include connecting individuals with entitlement programs, emergency financial assistance, and any resources that result in the household retaining or regaining permanent housing, including access to Amos House’s Financial Opportunity Center, education programs, job training opportunities, and employment services.

These projects are being supported, in whole or in part, by State Fiscal Recovery Funds (federal award number SLFRP0136) awarded to Rhode Island by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
